Due to the increased workload caused by industrial production and population growth, the consumption of meat products is increasing today. Frequency, easy access, reasonable prices, quick cooking, appetite, and good taste are another reason for the increasing desire to consume meat.Meat and its products are among the most valuable sources of a protein associated with human nutrition. Meat product refers to a product that contains at least half of the raw material of the meat and the remainder includes fat, water and ice, sodium chloride, alkali phosphates, sodium nitrite, and other additives.Sausage and kielbasa are one of the oldest forms of meat products. The use of meat products as a source of protein and its replacement in the diet, as a share of the daily intake, can respond to some of the nutritional problems. It should be understood that the consumption of meat products for many reasons, including the cost-effectiveness of the purchase price of white or red meat, facilitate the cooking of the taste of this growing trend in the community.Red meat contains high biological value and low nutrient content. Meat is rich in proteins containing essential amino acids for the body, minerals such as iron and zinc, all kinds of vitamins, as well as enough energy to make it among Classify the best and most complete food.The fat content of red meat depends on the type of red meat, the cut and the degree of trimming, as well as the race, sex, age of slaughter, and the type of animal's nutrition throughout life, and often consists of triglycerides, a combination of glycerin and fatty acids, and a variety of vitamins the solution is found in fat and water in meat. Meat is one of the rich sources of vitamins B (B complex) as well as pantothenic acid and folic acid and ascorbic acid. The amount of minerals in fresh meat is about 1%. Among minerals, meat, iron, and zinc are particularly important in terms of nutrition. Meat and its products are considered as energy sources, and their use in energy supply plays an important role. The amount of energy provided by meat varies and is particularly affected by the content of fat, and meat containing higher fat will have more energy